Where to buy eBooks
- DriveThruFiction.com
Great collection of eBooks in multiple formats from independent and heavy-hitting authors a like.
- Kobo.com
Kobo is a popular alternative eReader to the Kindle or Nook line, and also has its own book market.
Authors I enjoy
- N. K. Jemisin
Author of the Broken Earth Trilogy and Far Sector which definitely made the Green Lantern universe rad again. I was enamored with the world-building I encountered in The Fifth Season and the brutally honest exploration of racism through deep, accessible characters.
- Mike Shel
I am a sucker for grim worlds and grey characters, so when I read Mike Shel's Aching God I was an instant fan. Hanifax is one of the grittiest places I've hhad the pleasure of inhabiting. He also does some Pathfinder work, if you are looking for new adventures.
- futz.tech
This is my other smallweb blog site about computers and technology topics, updated at completely irrational intervals.